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6 artichokes
1 clove of garlic
20 g pennyroyal
20 g parsley
100 ml extra virgin olive oil

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Sezze artichokes in Roman style

The artichoke of Sezze, prince of vegetables, prepared according to the classic recipe for artichokes “alla Romana”

recipe given by our chef at .

These ingredients are able to feed: 6persons


The first step is to clean the artichokes, cut part of the stem (leave it out about 4 cm attached to the artichoke), remove the outer leaves because they are leathery, when they begin to appear yellow leaves at the bottom you can stop (these leaves begin to be more tender).

Cut the apical part of the artichoke, because it is particularly tough and therefore not edible, and extract the base, making sure that it remains the inner core of the stem. Put the artichokes in water acidulated with lemon juice and leave them in for minimum 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare a pesto sauce with garlic, parsley, pennyroyal, salt and olive oil. Open the leaves of the artichoke, add salt and season to taste. Place the artichokes head down in a saucepan, cook for 10 minutes, then add water to almost cover the heads of artichokes, cover and simmer for about 20-25 minutes.

I tell you this recipe

The artichoke (Cynara cardunculus scolymus) is considered the prince of vegetables, has always caught the attention of writers and artists (past and present). Pablo Neruda described it as: armed vegetable, tender heart dressed as a warrior. The name in Italian (carciofo) comes from the Arabic kharshuf.
The artichoke plants have been known since ancient times by the Egyptians and later by the Greeks (who called them Kinara) and Romans. The latter instead called them Cynara. According to Greek mythology the artichoke Cynara takes its name from the color of ashes of a girl with whom fell in love with Zeus and was turned into an artichoke plant. According to Lucius Junius Columella, a Roman writer of the first century AD, however, the name derives from Cynara agronomic practice and consisted in spread the ashes on the ground of artichoke cultivation.
According to some historians, the Etruscans practiced the cultivation of artichokes. The discovery of depictions of artichoke leaves in some tombs in the necropolis of Tarquinia would be a test of this hypothesis.
In Italy, artichoke cultivation is widespread in the southern regions, but in Lazio and in particular in the Pontine plain, the Roman artichoke (Mammola or Cimarolo) achieves excellence; here the mild climate, proximity to the sea and the protection of the Mountains Lepine from the north contribute to creating ideal conditions for the cultivation of this vegetable, so much that in 2002 with the EC Regulation no. 2066/02 has obtained the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) as "Artichoke Romanesco del Lazio IGP".
In the pontine area is mainly grown in Sermoneta, Priverno and Sezze where an important festival is celebrated in April: the Artichoke Festival of Sezze.
The artichokes in Sezze are prepared in many different ways, here we propose the classic recipe made with artichokes Cimaroli collected in the countryside of Sezze.

the nutritional

For each portion:
Energy: 163,20 Kcal
Energy from proteins: 4%
Energy from fats: 93%
Energy from carbohydrates: 3%
Dietary total fibre: 3,12 g
Alcohol: 0,00 g
Total proteins: 1,61 g
Animal proteins: 0,00 g
Vegetable proteins: 1,61 g
Total fats: 16,80 g
Animal fats: 0,00 g
Vegetable fats: 16,80 g
Cholesterol: 0,00 mg
Available carbohydrates: 1,50 g
Starch: 0,30 g
Soluble carbohydrates: 1,20 g


words to remember

Artichoke, Cynara cardunculus scolymus, artichoke Romanesco, Mammola, cimarolo, Artichoke Sezze, Roman style artichokes, mint

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